

Chair of Theory of
Relativity and Gravitation,
Institute of Theoretical Physics,
University of Warsaw
ul. Pasteura 5,
02-093 Warsaw, Poland

Phone: (+48 22) 55 32 949




List of talks given by members of the Department of the Theory of Relativity and Gravitation in a reverse chronological order.

Luca Cafaro

Status of Birkhoff's theorem in polymerized semiclassical regime of Loop Quantum Gravity 

Yaser  Tavakoli

Constraining Quantum Gravity Polymer Parameters through Gravitational Wave Observations
Jerzy Lewandowski

Intrinsic uniqueness of Isolated Horizons


Jerzy Lewandowski

Symplectic charges for Einstein's gravity from the normal conformal Cartan connection

Denis Dobkowski-Ryłko

A generalization of Einstein's quadrupole formula for radiated energy in de Sitter spacetime

Jerzy Lewandowski

Symplectic charges in the Yang-Mills theory of the normal conformal Cartan connection: applications to gravity

Maciej Ossowski

Non-trivial U(1)-horizons of Petrov Type D and their embedding
Jerzy Lewandowski

Quantum Oppenheimer-Snyder model: what are spacetimes containing quantum black holes, what are black holes contained in spacetime
Jerzy Lewandowski

Symmetries of non-expanding horizons and corresponding charges


Jerzy Lewandowski

Equations of isolated horizons

Cong Zhang

Fermions in Loop Quantum Gravity and resolution of doubling problem

Mehdi Assanioussi

The loop representation and r-Fock measures

Ilkka Mäkinen

Scalar curvature operator for loop quantum gravity on a cubical graph

P23rd International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitationy

Jerzy Lewandowski

Charges and fluxes on (perturbed) non-expanding horizons

Killing-Hopf horizons of the Petrov type D

Maciej Ossowski

Non-singular spacetimes with NUT parameter

Eryk Buk

Extremal, axisymmetric horizons in the presence of a cosmological constant

Wojciech Kaminski

Fefferman-Graham obstruction tensor and Einstein's equations

Finiteness of spinfoam vertex amplitude with timelike polyhedra, and the full amplitude

Cong Zhang

Fermion coupling to loop quantum gravity:canonical formulation

Mehdi Assanioussi

r-Fock representations and loop quantum gravity

Denis Dobkowski-Ryłko

A generalization of Einstein's quadruple formula for the energy of gravitational radiation in de Sitter spacetime

Pseudo-riemannian geometry and invariants in general relativity

Jerzy Lewandowski

Black hole horizon equations and the Petrov type D - NUT spacetimes.

Maciej Ossowski

Non-singular spacetimes with the NUT parameter

Wojciech Kamiński

Propagation properties of the ambient metric equations

Arman Taghavi-Chabert

Conformal Lorentzian manifolds from three-dimensional CR structures, and their Einstein metrics

Symposium of quantum symetries, noncommutative geometry and quantum geometry - Dedicated to Jurek Lukierski on his 85th birtday

Jerzy Lewandowski

Topological deformations of blackhole and cosmological spacetimes

Virtual Humboldt Colloqiuium Building Bridges, Moving Minds: The Role of the Himboldt Network in Fostering Research Cooperation in Europe

Jerzy Lewandowski

Can Black Hole Briges Universes?

Twistor Theory and Beyond
Dedicated to Lionel Mason on his 60th birthday

Cambridge, Sep 27, 2021, 9:00 AM  → Sep 29, 2021, 6:00 PM  Europe/London

Jerzy Lewandowski

The 7th Conference of Polish Society on Relativity

Andrzej Okołów

Hilbert spaces built over metrics of fixed signatures

Maciej Ossowski

Non-singular spacetimes with the NUT parameter 

Jacek Tafel

The Bondi-Sachs metrics with smooth scri 

Arman Taghavi-Chabert

Twisting non-shearing congruences of null geodesics, almost CR structures, and Einstein metrics in even dimension

Symposium on quantum symmetries, noncommutative geometry and quantum gravity
Dedicated to Jurek Lukierski on his 85th birthday

Jerzy Lewandowski

Topological deformation of black hole and cosmological spacetimes

16th Marcel Grossmann Meeting

           Maciej Kolanowski

Wald-Zoupas charges in asymptotically de Sitter spacetimes - Video

Maciej Ossowski

Non-singular spacetimes with the NUT parameter  - Video

Cong Zhang

Loop quantum Schwarzschild interior and black holes remnant - Video 
Computing expectation value of full LQG Hamiltonian to next-to-leading order - Video

11th Central European Relativity Seminar

           Eryk Buk

Axisymmetric, isolated horizon in the presence of cosmological constant

           Maciej Kolanowski

Charges in asymptotically de Sitter spacetimes

J. Pniewski & L. Infeld Colloquium
Jerzy Lewandowski

Virtual conference of the Polish Society of Relativity 2020 [online]
Gioele Botta

Computable Loop Quantum Gravity

Paweł Caputa

Anna Nakonieczna
Łukasz Nakonieczny

10th Central European Relativity Seminar

           Maciej Kolanowski

Extremal horizons stationary to the second order: New constraints

           Maciej Ossowski

Non-singular Kerr-NUT-de Sitter spacetimes

International Loop Quantum Gravity Seminar  2020

           Maciej Ossowski

Kerr-NUT-dS spacetimes that admit non-singular horizons

           Maciej Kolanowski

Lost in translation -- energy in the de Sitter universe

International Loop Quantum Gravity Seminar - Fall 2019

           Wojciech Kamiński

Volume operator in LQC

The 6th Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity
           Denis Dobkowski-Ryłko
The solution to the Petrov type D equation on the non-trivial bundle topology and its embedability

            Maciej Kolanowski
Anti-evaporation of Schwarzschild-de Sitter black hole revisited

           Anna Nakonieczna
Multidimensional dynamics of the brane-dilaton black hole system


Conference on the occasion of Jerzy Lewandowski's 60th birthday (Jurekfest), September 16-20, 2019, Warsaw, Poland

            Denis Dobkowski-Ryłko
Isolated horizons, near horizon geometries and the Petrov type D equation

            Maciej Kisielowski
On the relation between loop quantum gravity and spin-foam models

            Jacek Tafel
The Penrose inequality for the perturbed Schwarzschild initial data


Twistors and Loops meeting in Marseille, September 2-6, 2019, Marseille, France

            Jerzy Lewandowski
The quantum states and operators of the canonical LQG


2019 Annual Meeting of the Chinese Physical Society, Division of Gravitation and Relativistic Astrophysics, July 14-19, 2019, Guiyang, China

            Jerzy Lewandowski
Canonical and covariant LQG


22nd International Conference on General Relativiity and Gravitation, July 7-12, 2019, Valencia, Spain

            Jerzy Lewandowski
The Type D Horizons And The Petrov Type D Spacetimes
Near Horizon Geometry Equation, Degenerate Killing Horizons

            Denis Dobkowski-Ryłko
Isolated Horions and the Petrov Type D Equation

Multimessenger UniverseJune 23-27, 2019, Penn State, USA

            Jerzy Lewandowski
Non-Expanding Horizons: Extreme Isolated and ond Non-Extreme of the Petrov type D

Loops'19 Conference, June 17-21, 2019, Penn State, USA

            Jerzy Lewandowski
Canonical and covariant LQG


Seventh Tux workshop on Quantum Gravity, February 11-15, 2019, Tux, Austria

            Mehdi Assanioussi

Investigating Hamiltonian regularizations in LQG using symmetry reduced models

             Denis Dobkowski-Ryłko

Petrov type D equation on the Hopf Bundle

             Maciej Kolanowski

Conformally covariant quantum states given on conformal Killing horizons



XI Black Holes Workshop, December 17-18, 2018, Lisbon, Portugal

             Jerzy Lewandowski
The Petrov type D isolated horizons and  the near horizon geometry equation

The 5th Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity, September 24-27, 2018, Wojanów Palace, Poland

            Gioele Botta
Quantum reduced loop gravity effective dynamics from a statistical regularization scheme

             Denis Dobkowski-Ryłko

The Petrov type D equation on the cross sections of topologically different isolated horizons

             Jerzy Lewandowski

Isolated horizons, the Petrov type D equation and the Near Horizon Geometry equation

             Tomasz Pawłowski

Emergent de Sitter epoch of the quantum Cosmos

             Istvan Racz

Construction of quasi-convex foliation with monotonous Geroch mass

            Jacek Tafel

The Penrose inequality for an axially perturbed Schwarzschild black hole


The Fifteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics and Relativistic Field Theories (MG15), July 1-7, 2018, Rome, Italy

             Gioele Botta
Quantum reduced loop gravity effective dynamics from a statistical regularization scheme

             Denis Dobkowski-Ryłko

Stationary isolated horizons of the Petrov type D

             Jerzy Lewandowski

On the Hamiltonian operator in loop quantum gravity

IX International Meeting on Lorentzian GeometryJune 18-23, 2018, Warsaw, Poland

             Jerzy Lewandowski
Stationary isolated horizons of the Petrov type D

Sixth Tux workshop on Quantum Gravity, February 19-23, 2018, Tux, Austria

            Mehdi Assanioussi

On the polymer quantization of Yang-Mills theories: new coherent states

             Denis Dobkowski-Ryłko

Geometric characterization of the Kerr-de Sitter horizon

             Patryk Drobinski

Continuum approach to the BF vacuum

             Maciej Kolanowski

Holographic models for 2dimensional black holes

             Jerzy Lewandowski

Petrov type D isolated null surfaces

             Ilkka Makinen

A coherent-state representation for the LQG intertwiner space

             Tomasz Pawlowski

Emergent de Sitter phase of LQC

             Piotr Sułkowski 

Quantum geometry and string dualities

             Yaser Tavakoli

Particle production in a cosmological quantum spacetime

             Cong Zhang

Some analytical results of the Hamiltonian (constraint) operator in LQG

Winter School - Geometry and Physics, Jan 13-20, 2018, Srni, Czech Republic

             Piotr Sułkowski 
Physics of knots - from Chern-Simons theory to quivers


Young Researchers in String and Mathematics, Nov 27-30, 2017, Bonn, Germany

             Piotr Sułkowski 
Knots - quivers correspondence

Category theory in physics, mathematics and philosophy, Nov 16-17, 2017, Warsaw, Poland

             Piotr Sułkowski 
Categorification in knot theory and physics

Integrability and Chaos in Multicomponent Systems, Oct 2-7, 2017, Vladivostok, Russia

             Piotr Sułkowski 
Knots - quivers correspondence

The 4th Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity, September 24-28, 2017, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland

Jerzy Lewandowski
Surprising properties of geometric Dirac Observables in General Relativity
             Carmen Li
Spacetime near an extremal horizon
             Anna Nakonieczna
Black hole initial data within the parabolic-hyperbolic formulation
             Jacek Tafel
TT tensors in flat spaces of any dimension

8th Forum of Polish Mathematicians, Sep 18-22, 2017, Lublin, Poland

             Piotr Sułkowski 
Knots - quivers correspondence

44. Zjazd Fizyków Polskich, Sep 10-15, 2017, Wrocław, Poland

             Piotr Sułkowski 
String theory and quantum mathematics

9th Mathematical Physics Meeting: School and Conference on Modern Mathematical Physics, September 18-23, 2017, Belgrade, Serbia

Jerzy Lewandowski
The issues and results of canonical (loop) quantum gravity

44 Zjazd Fizyków Polskich, September 10-15, 2017, Wrocław, Poland

Jerzy Lewandowski
Canonical Loop Quantum Gravity

The international workshop on Noncommutative Geometry, Duality and Quantum Gravity, September 4-6, 2017, Kyoto, Japan

Jerzy Lewandowski
Canonical Loop Quantum Gravity: issues, framework and results

Loops'17, July 3-7, 2017, Warszawa, Poland

Partyk Drobiński
The continuum BF vacuum representation
             Ilkka Makinen
Spin coherent state representation for intertwiners in loop quantum gravity

Fifth Tux workshop on Quantum Gravity, February 13-17, 2017, Tux, Austria

Jerzy Lewandowski
Lorentz and deformed Poincare symmetry in curved spacetime
             Mehdi Assanioussi
Approximation methods for the dynamics in deparametrized LQG

Quantum Spacetime '17, January 30-February 3, 2017, Porto, Portugal

Jerzy Lewandowski
Canonical Loop Quantum Gravity: available framework

Nonlinearity & Geometry, January 20-23, 2017, Warszawa

Jacek Tafel (invited speaker)
Covariant description of isothermic surfaces

37th Winter School Geometry and Physics, January 14-21, 2017, Srni, Czech Republic

Jerzy Lewandowski
Non-expanding horizons including near horizon geometries as related subject

Gravitational waves. Mathematical, computational, astrophysical and quantum approaches, December 9-11, 2016, Warszawa

Andrzej Trautman
Gravitational waves: what little I remember of my early work on the subject
Jacek Tafel
Optical geometries and algebraically special spacetimes

The 3rd Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity, September 25-29, 2016, Kraków, Poland

Ilkka Makinen
Time evolution in deparametrized models of loop quantum gravity

The 3rd BNU International Summer School on Quantum Gravity, August 15-20, 2016, Beijing Normal University (BNU), Beijing, China

Jerzy Lewandowski
Canonical Loop Quantum Gravity (lecture course)

21st International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation (GR21), July 10-15, 2016, New York City, USA

Jerzy Lewandowski
When near horizon geometries meet non-expanding horizons
Canonical Loop Quantum Gravity

Noncommutative geometry, quantum symmetries and quantum gravity II - XXXVII Max Born Symposium hosting 2016 WG3 Meeting of COST Action MP 1405, July 4-7, 2016, Wrocław, Poland

Jerzy Lewandowski
Canonical Loop Quantum Gravity - Status Report (plenary talk)

The Helsinki Workshop on Quantum Gravity, June 1-3, 2016, Helsinki, Finland

Ilkka Makinen
Scalar field as a physical time variable in loop quantum gravity


Carlo Fest, May 23-27, 2016, Luminy and Jardin du Pharo, Marseille, France

Jerzy Lewandowski and Chun-Yen Lin
From The Quantum Scalar Constraint To The Minkowski Theorem

Fourth Tux workshop on Quantum Gravity, February 15-19, 2016, Tux, Austria

Ilkka Makinen
The Hamiltonian operator in deparametrized loop quantum gravity

International Loop Quantum Gravity Seminar

Jerzy Lewandowski
New applications for LQG
October 28, 2014

Antonia Zipfel
Linking canonical and covariant LQG
April 15, 2014

Norbert Bodendorfer
Black hole entropy from loop quantum gravity: Generalized theories and higher dimensions
October 1, 2013

Emanuele Alseci
Quantum reduced loop gravity
March 12, 2013

Workshop on Noncommutative Field Theory and Gravity, September 22-26

Jerzy Lewandowski
Non-commutative structure of spacetime from classical general relativity

XXXV Max Born Symposium, September 7-12, 2015, Wrocław, Poland

Norbert Bodendorfer
Symmetry reductions in loop quantum gravity based on classical gauge fixings
Ilkka Makinen
A new Hamiltonian operator for loop quantum gravity

Quantum Gravity Meeting, July 20 - 23, 2015, University of Rome La Sapienza, Rome, Italy

Emanuele Alesci

Jerzy Lewandowski

Fourteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting - MG14, July 12-18, 2015, University of Rome La Sapienza, Rome, Italy

Emanuele Alesci
Quantum Reduced Loop Gravity

Mehdi Assanioussi
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