

Chair of Theory of
Relativity and Gravitation,
Institute of Theoretical Physics,
University of Warsaw
ul. Pasteura 5,
02-093 Warsaw, Poland

Phone: (+48 22) 55 32 949



List of the conferences organized or coorganized by our Chair

Advance school on asymptotically flat spacetime and celestial holography

28 August - 1 September 2023, University of Warsaw, Poland

9th Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity

18-22 September 2023, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland

School of General Relativity, Astrophysics and Cosmology

24-29 July 2023, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
31 July -4 August 2023, University of Warsaw, Chęciny, Poland

POLS conference on Conformal and CR geometries and applications to GR

16-18 July 2023, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

8th Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity

19-23 September 2022, Banach Center IMPAN, Warsaw, Poland

Quantum Gravity and More - Conference in memory of Professor Jerzy Jurkiewicz

7-8 October 2022, Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (PAU), Kraków, Poland

Carroll Workshop 2022

15-22 February 2022, Technische Universitat, Wienna, Austria

 September 24-26, 2020, Zoom.

Quantum field theory meets gravity - DESY theory workshop
September 24-27, 2019,  Hamburg, Germany

Conference on the occasion of Jerzy Lewandowski's 60th birthday
September 16-20, 2019,  Warsaw, Poland

8th Tux Workshop on Quantum Gravity
February 10-14, 2019, Tux, Austria

th Tux Workshop on Quantum Gravity
February 11-15, 2019, Tux, Austria

Quantum Knot Invariants and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
November 5 - December 14, 2018, Santa Barbara, USA

Quantum fields, knots, and strings
September 24-28, 2018, University of Warsaw, Poland

The 5th Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity
September 24-27, 2018, Wojanów Palace, Poland

The Fifteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics and Relativistic Field Theories (MG15)
July 1-7, 2018, Rome, Italy

IX International Meeting on Lorentzian Geometry
June 18-23, 2018, Warsaw, Poland

Categorification in mathematical physics
April 9-13, 2018, Stony Brook, USA

2018 Winter Conference Quantum Knot Homology and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
March 4-10, 2018, Aspen, USA

6th Tux Workshop on Quantum Gravity
February 19-23, 2018, Tux, Austria

The 4th Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity
September 24-28, 2017, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland

9th Mathematical Physics Meeting: School and Conference on Modern Mathematical Physics
September 18-23, 2017, Belgrade, Serbia

44 Zjazd Fizyków Polskich
September 10-15, 2017, Wrocław, Poland

The international worshop on Noncommutative geometry, Duality and Quantum Gravity
September 4-6, 2017, Kyoto, Japan

July 3-7, 2017, Warszawa
April 21-23, 2017, Warszawa

Advanced School on Integrability
March 6-8, 2017, Warszawa

Fifth Tux workshop on Quantum gravity
February 13-17, 2017, Tux, Austria

Quantum Spacetime'17
January 30-February 3, 2017, Porto, Portugal

Gravitational waves. Mathematical, computational, astrophysical and quantum approaches
December 9-11, 2016, Warszawa


The 3rd International Summer School on Quantum Gravity
Beijing, China, August 15-20, 2016
from school site:
The series of BNU International Summer School is intended to provide a pedagogical introduction for graduate students and young post-docs to certain fundamental topics of quantum gravity. (The lecture course entitled Loop Quantum Gravity was led by Professor Jerzy Lewandowski).

Carlo Fest
Luminy and Jardin du Pharo, Marseille, May 23-27, 2016
from conference site:
Celebrating Carlo Rovelli's 60 birthday, A Journey from Quantum Gravity to Philosophy.


Fourth Tux Workshop on Quantum Gravity
Tux, Austria, February 15-19, 2016
from conference site:
The workshop brings together experts on canonical and covariant loop quantum gravity and related topics, in the scenic village of Tux, in the Austrian Alps.


Quantum Spacetime ’16
Zakopane, February 6-12, 2016
from conference site:
This workshop will address various aspects of noncommutative geometry (NCG) as covered by the COST Action MP1405 Quantum Structure of Spacetime (QSpace): Connection of NCG with realistic phenomenological models, including the Standard Models of Particle Physics and Cosmology New constructions of fields, matter and quantum spacetimes in NCG Connections between NCG and other models of gravity.


Second LeCosPA Symposium Everything About Gravity
Taipei, December 14-18, 2015
from conference site:

To celebrate the centenary of Einstein’s General Relativity, we organize the 2nd LeCosPA International Symposium “Everything about Gravity” on December 14-18, 2015 in Taipei under the auspices of the Division of Astrophysics-Cosmology-Gravity (DACG), Association of Asia-Pacific Physical Societies (AAPPS).


Advanced School on Topological Quantum Field Theory
December 7-9, 2015, Warsaw, Poland

ESI Program on Higher Structures in String Theory and Quantum Field Theory
November 16 - December 19, 2015, Vienna, Austria
from conference site:
The focus of the programme is in using recent developing ideas from string theory and quantum field theory, in particular T-duality, non-geometry and M-brane models, with the aim of understanding their constructions in terms of higher geometric structures, topological field theories, and Kasparov theory.


23-28 November 2015, Warsaw, Poland
from conference site:
The scientific program covers broad range of topics from the mathematical structure of General Relativity (GR) and fundamental issues of the classical gravity, through the mathematical models of quantum gravity, to gravitational waves and their detection.


Geometric Aspects of General Relativity
September 28 - October 1, 2015, University of Montpellier (France)
from conference site:
The goal of the school is to introduce a broad audience of mathematicians and young researchers to a selection of currently very active fields of research. It will be centered on themes of high current interest in mathematical relativity, with a strong emphasis on the differential geometric side of the theory. Ph. D students are especially invited to attend.


Quantum Gravity Meeting
July 20 - 23, 2015, University of Rome La Sapienza, Rome, Italy
from conference site:
This year the Marcel Grossmann meeting will be held in Rome July 12-18 and, since several colleagues would already be here for that meeting of broader scopes, we thought it would be a good idea to host a meeting more focused on quantum gravity just after the Marcel Grossmann.


Fourteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting - MG14
July 12-18, 2015, University of Rome La Sapienza, Rome, Italy
from conference site:
The scientific objective of these meetings is to bring together scientists from diverse backgrounds in order to deepen our understanding of spacetime structures and review the status of experiments testing Einsteins theory of gravitation. The range of topics is broad: from more abstract classical gravitational theories, quantum gravity, and string theories all the way to relativistic astrophysics and an outlook towards future observational missions.


Loops 15
July 6-10, 2015, Erlangen, Germany
from conference site:
The conference LOOPS 15, the eighth conference with focus on Loop Quantum Gravity, will take place in Erlangen, Germany from July 6th to July 10th in 2015.
April 10-12, 2015, Wrocław, Poland


Third EFI winter conference on quantum gravity
February 16-20, 2015, Tux, Austria
from conference site:
The conference aims to bring together experts on canonical and covariant loop quantum gravity and related topics, in the scenic village of Tux, in the Austrian Alps.


Conceptual and Technical Challenges for Quantum Gravity 2014
September 8 - 12 2014, Sapienza University of Rome
from conference site:
This conference will provide an opportunity for an encounter between different approaches and different perspectives on the quantum-gravity problem. Its main goal is to contribute to a higher level of shared knowledge among the quantum-gravity communities pursuing each specific research program.


The 1st Conference of Polish Society on Relativity
June 29 - July 4, 2014, Spała near Łódź, Poland

Contact via this link


XXXIII Max Born Symposium
Noncommutative geometry, quantum symmetries and quantum gravity

July 6 - 10, 2014, Wroclaw, Poland
from conference site:
The aim of the Symposium is to provide recent results related with noncommutative geometries and quantum groups as well as present some applications in quantum gravity models.


Frontiers of Fundamental Physics 14
XIV international symposium

July 15 - 18, 2014, Marseille, France
from conference site:
FFP Symposium began in India in 1997 and it became itinerant in 2004, through Europe, Canada and Australia. It covers topics in fundamental physics with the objective to enable scholars working in related areas to meet on a single platform and exchange ideas. In addition to highlighting the progress in these areas, the symposium invites the top researchers to reflect on the educational aspects of our discipline. Moreover, the scientific concepts are also discussed through philosophical and epistemological viewpoints. Several eminent scientists, such as the laureates of prestigious awards (Nobel, Fields Medal,…), have already participated in these meetings.


99 years of General Relativity
ESI-EMS-IAMP Summer school on Mathematical Relativity

July 28 - August 1, 2014, Vien, Austria
from conference site:
Mathematical General Relativity is a timely topic, with outstanding recent progress in the field by many authors, with growing interest both in the physics and mathematical community. The aim of the school is to provide an introduction to the topics which are currently being studied. The target audience is graduate students and postdocs, both physicists and mathematicians, interested in mathematical general relativity.


Second EFI winter conference on canonical and covariant LQG
February 10 - 14, 2014, Tux, Austria

The aim of this conference is to bring together experts on canonical and covariant loop quantum gravity and related topics. Focal topics will be the quantum theory of black holes, and dynamics in quantum gravity.


20th International Conference of General Relativity and Gravitation
10th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves

7-13 July 2013, Warszawa, Poland

GR20 is the latest in the series of triennial international conferences held under the auspices of the International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation. This conference series constitutes the principal international meetings for scientists working in all the areas of relativity and gravitation. The Amaldi conferences are held under the auspices of the Gravitational Wave International Committee. Since 1997, they have been held every two years and are regarded as the most important international conferences for the gravitational wave detection community. This time, in Warsaw, GR20 and Amaldi10 are organized as a joint event.


22-26 July 2013, Waterloo, Canada

This conference, which is part of the series of Loops conferences, will present and review recent progress and highlights in loop quantum gravity and other quantum gravity approaches. We will focus mainly on background independent approaches which are approaches that do not depend on perturbation theory formulated in a classical background.


EFI winter conference on canonical and covariant LQG
25.02-01.03.2013, Tux, Austria

The conference aims to bring together experts on canonical and covariant loop quantum gravity and related topics, in the scenic village of Tux, in the Austrian Alps. The schedule of the conference will give ample time for discussion and collaboration.


The Third Quantum Gravity & Quantum Geometry School
28.02-13.03.2011, Zakopane, Poland

The purpose of the school is to provide current PhD students, potdocs and other researchers with an up-to-date introduction to the main research topics of the network: loop quantum gravity, spin foam models, matrix models, and the application of non-commutative geometry and quantum groups to quantum gravity as well as more recent developments like group field theory. The emphasize will be on progress made during the four years of the ESF network program Quantum geometry and Quantum Gravity.


Open Problems in Loop Quantum Gravity
28.02-04.03.2010, Zakopane, Poland

A workshop on the following topics:

  • The dynamics of quantum space (the status of the quantum Hamiltonian constraint in LQG and the covariant implementation of the dynamics in spin foam models and group field theories).
  • The semiclassical limit and the continuum approximation in loop quantum gravity and the recovering of classical General Relativity and of matter quantum field theory in such approximation.
  • Quantum gravitational observables.
  • The role of diffeomorphisms in quantum gravity, their nature and possible breaking at the Planck scale or in discrete contexts.


Loops and Foams
3-9.3.2008, Zakopane, Poland

A workshop on the following topics:

  • QG dynamics: Master constraint programme, status of Hamiltonian constraint, volume operator, relational observables, Loop Quantum Cosmology
  • Spin foam models: The new models, effective non-commutative field theory, graviton propagator, Group Field Theory, continuum/semiclassical limit
  • Relation between LQG and Spin-foam models: Kinematics, dynamics, covariant LQG, Group Field Theory, 2+1 gravity


The First Quantum Geometry & Quantum Gravity School
23.3-03.4.2007, Zakopane, Poland

The aim of the school was to provide an up-to-date introduction to the main research topics of the network, namely: loop quantum gravity, spin foam models, dynamical triangulations, matrix models, and the application of non-commutative geometry and quantum groups to quantum gravity.

8th Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity

19-23 September 2022, Banach Center IMPAN, Warsaw, Poland
Copyright ® Wydział Fizyki UW Pictures: courtesy NASA | Strony internetowe JELLINEK studio