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Chair of Theory of
Relativity and Gravitation,
Institute of Theoretical Physics,
University of Warsaw
ul. Pasteura 5,
02-093 Warsaw, Poland
Phone: (+48 22) 55 32 949
Research interests
My early work was devoted to gravitational waves and radiation. In 1960 Ivor Robinson and I found a class of exact solutions of Einstein's equations with diverging, shear free geodetic rays; some of them represent a rather special kind of 'spherical' gravitational waves.
Later, I worked on the Einstein-Cartan theory of gravitation with spin and torsion; I first learned about that theory in England from T. W. B. Kibble and D. W. Sciama. A visit to C. N. Yang at Stony Brook (1976-77) stimulated a period of my interest in gauge theories and their geometric, bundle-theoretic aspects. During the 1980s, I stayed many times at SISSA and ICTP in Trieste; contacts with Paolo Budinich there resulted in work on pure spinors; we wrote together The Spinorial Chessboard. With Ludwik Dabrowski (Trieste), Michel Cahen and Simone Gutt (Brussels) and Thomas Friedrich (Berlin) we studied spin and pin structures on Riemannian manifolds.
Selected interviews
Selected publications
I. Robinson, A. Trautman - Some spherical gravitational waves in general relativity, Proc. Roy. Soc.London A265, 463--473 (1962)
A. Trautman - Analytic solutions of Lorentz-invariant linear equations, Proc. Roy. Soc. London A270, 326--328 (1962)
A. Trautman - On the propagation of information by waves, pp. 459--463 in: Recent Developments in General Relativity, a volume in honour of L. Infeld, Pergamon Press and PWN, London and Warsaw (1962)
A. Trautman - Conservation laws in general relativity, pp. 169--198 in: Gravitation, ed. by L. Witten, J. Wiley, New York (1962)
A. Trautman - Sur la theorie newtonienne de la gravitation, CR Acad. Sci. Paris 257, 617--620 (1963)
A. Trautman - Comparison of Newtonian and relativistic theories of gravitation, pp. 413--425 in: Perspectives in Geometry and Relativity, Essays in honor of V. Hlavaty, ed. by B. Hoffmann, Indiana Univ. Press, Bloomington (1966)
A. Trautman - Noether equations and conservation laws, Commun Math. Phys. 6, 248--261 (1967)
A. Trautman - Fibre bundles associated with space-time, Rep. Math. Phys. (Torun) 1, 29--34 (1970)
A. Trautman - Invariance of Lagrangian systems, pp. 85--99 in: General Relativity, Papers in honour of J. L. Synge, ed. by L. O'Raifeartaigh, Clarendon Press, Oxford (1972)
A. Trautman - On the structure of the Einstein-Cartan equations, Symp. Math. 12, 139--162 (1973)
A. Trautman - Spin and torsion may avert gravitational singularities, Nature 242, 7--8 (1973)
A. Trautman - Solutions of the Maxwell and Yang--Mills equations associated with Hopf fibrings, Intern. J. Theor. Phys. 16, 561--565 (1977)
A. Trautman - The geometry of gauge fields, Czech. J. Phys. B29, 107--116 (1979)
A. Trautman - Fibre bundles, gauge fields, and gravitation, pp. 287--308 in: General Relativity and Gravitation, vol. I, ed. by A. Held, Plenum, New York (1980)
J. Tafel, A. Trautman - Can poles change color?, J. Math. Phys. 24, 1087--1092 (1983)
A. Trautman - Differential Geometry for Physicists, Bibliopolis, Napoli (1984)
A. Trautman - Optical structures in relativistic theories, Asterisque, numero hors serie, 401--420 (1985)
I. Robinson, A. Trautman - A generalization of the Mariot theorem on congruences of null geodesics, Proc. Roy. Soc. London A405, 41--48 (1986)
L. Dkabrowski, A. Trautman - Spinor structures on spheres and projective spaces, J. Math. Phys. 27, 2022--2028 (1986)
P. Budinich, A. Trautman - The Spinorial Chessboard, Trieste Notes in Physics, Springer, Berlin (1988)
W. Kopczynski, A. Trautman - Spacetime and Gravitation, PWN and J. Wiley, Warszawa and Chichester (1992)
W. Kopczynski, A. Trautman - Simple spinors and real structures, J. Math. Phys. 33, 550--559 (1992)
A. Trautman - Spinors and the Dirac operator on hypersurfaces. I. General theory, J. Math. Phys. 33, 4011--4019 (1992)
M. Cahen, S. Gutt, A. Trautman - Spin structures on real projective quadrics, J. Geom. Phys. 10, 127--154 (1993)
I. Robinson, A. Trautman - The conformal geometry of complex quadrics and the fractional-linear form of Mobius transformations, J. Math. Phys. 34, 5391--5406 (1993)
A. Trautman, K. Trautman - Generalized pure spinors, J. Geom. Phys. 15, 1--22 (1994)
A. Trautman, M. Cahen, S. Gutt - Pin structures and the modified Dirac operator, J. Geom. Phys. 17, 283--297 (1995)
A. Trautman - The Dirac operator on hypersurfaces, Acta Phys. Polon. B 26, 1283--1310 (1995)
A. Trautman - Clifford and the `square root' ideas, Contemporary Mathematics 203, 3--24 (1997)
A. Trautman, P. Nurowski, E. Schucking - Relativistic gravitational fields with close Newtonian analogs, pp. 329--337 in: On Einstein's Path, A. Harvey (ed), Springer-Verlag, New York (1999)
Th. Friedrich, A. Trautman - Spin spaces, Lipschitz groups, and spinor bundles, Ann. Glob. Anal. Geom. 18, 221--240 (2000)
A. Trautman - Robinson manifolds and Cauchy--Riemann spaces, Class. Quantum Grav. 19, R1--R10 (2002)
P. Nurowski, A. Trautman - Robinson manifolds as the Lorentzian analogs of Hermite manifolds, Diff. Geom. Appl. 17, 175--195 (2002)
A. Trautman - Lectures on general relativity (a ``Golden Oldie''), GRG Journal 34, 721--762 (2002)
A. Trautman - Clifford algebras and their representations, pp. 518--530 in: Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics (vol. 1), edited by J.-P. Francoise, G. L. Naber and Tsou S. T., Oxford: Elsevier (2006)
A. Trautman - Einstein--Cartan theory, pp. 189--195 in: Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics (vol. 2), edited by J.-P. Francoise, G. L. Naber and Tsou S. T., Oxford: Elsevier (2006)
A. Trautman - On eight kinds of spinors, Acta Phys. Polon. B 36, 121--130 (2005)
A. Trautman - Connections and the Dirac operator on spinor bundles, J. Geom. Phys. 58, 238--252 (2008)
T. Sauer, A. Trautman - Myron Mathisson: what little we know of his life, Acta Phys. Polon. B Proc. Suppl. 1, 7--26 (2008)
Selected talks
Sur les lois de conservation dans les espaces de Riemann - GR2 Conf., Royaumont, 1959
Exact degenerate solutions of Einstein's equations - GR3 Conf., Jablonna, 1962
Theory of gravitation - Conf. in honour of P.A.M. Dirac, Trieste, 1972.
The Einstein--Cartan theory of gravitation - Conf. Ondes et Radiations Gravitationnelles, Paris, 1973
Energy, gravitation and cosmology - Third General Conference of the European Physical Society, Bucharest, 1975
On groups of gauge transformations - Conf. on Geometrical and Topological Methods in Gauge Theories, Montreal, 1979
Yang-Mills theory and gravitation: A comparison - Conf. on Geometric Techniques in Gauge Theories, Scheveningen, 1981
Einstein and the geometrization of physics - Conf. Aspetti Matematici della Teoria della Relativita, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, 1983
A simple proof of the Robinson theorem - Conf. Journees Relativistes, Torino, 1983.
Cauchy--Riemann structures in optical geometry - Fourth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Roma, 1985
Spinor structures on homogeneous Riemannian spaces - Conf. Spinors in Physics and Geometry, Trieste 1986
Optical geometry - Conf. New Theories in Physics, Kazimierz, 1988
Geometric aspects of spinors - Third International Conference on Clifford Algebras and their Applications in Mathematical Physics, Deinze, 1992
Pin structures and the Dirac operator on real projective spaces and quadrics - Conf. on Clifford Algebras and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics, Aachen, 1996
Pythagorean spinors and Penrose twistors - Conf. The Geometric Universe: Science, Geometry and the Work of Roger Penrose, Oxford, 1998
Double covers of pseudo-orthogonal groups - Conf. Clifford Analysis and Its Applications, Prague, 2000
Two approaches to spinor fields on manifolds - Peter Gabriel Bergmann Memorial Symposium, Syracuse (N.Y.), 2003